How to Audit Fraud Using ACL

Dirancang untuk auditor di tingkat entry dan menengah, kursus ini akan menentukan hubungan antara CAATs (Computer-Assisted Teknik Audit) bekerja dan penilaian risiko kecurangan. Peserta juga akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan aplikasi ACL secara efisien untuk menganalisis data dan mendeteksi kecurangan.

Pelatihan untuk Anda:

  • Professionals involved in investigating potential frauds within an organization
  • Internal auditing professionals seeking proficiency in fraud detection and prevention
  • Internal auditors wanting to learn how to use ACL to detect symptoms of fraud

Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk:

  • Understand technology’s role in detecting and preventing fraud
  • Define the linkage between CAATS work and the fraud risk assessment
  • Learn how to use ACL’s fraud applications efficiently to analyze data and detect fraud
  • Practice creating fraud detection tests on live data

Pokok-Pokok Pembahasan:

  1. Integrating Automated Audit Techniques into the Internal Audit Approach
    • Define fraud and list fraud statistics
    • List reasons why companies need to manage fraud risk
    • Discuss Internal audit stakeholder expectations pertaining to the identification of fraud (expectation gap)
    • Describe opportunities to integrate automated auditing techniques into the internal audit approach and linkage to the overall fraud risk assessment
    • Discuss traditional audit techniques and inherent weaknesses when it comes to detecting fraud – sampling vs. complete population & multi-platform environments (interfaces between systems)
    • Discuss benefits of using technology to analyze data
  2. Data Basics (what is available and how do you get it?)
    • Discuss the importance of linking datasets to audit objectives (i.e. identification of possible fraud)
    • Describe the importance of knowing a company’s IT systems and the data which is collected and stored
    • Describe some essential steps in assessing the availability of data
  3. CAATS Overview
    • Definition of CAATS
    • Discuss the main components of a data analysis tool
    • List the main tools commonly used for data analysis
    • Display comparison charts (although there are many tools, we will use ACL for this class)
  4. ACL Basics
    • ACL Overview
    • Manipulating Data
    • Accessing Data
    • Defining Data Files
  5. Advanced ACL Techniques
    • Understanding Functions
    • Scripting in ACL
    • Internal Audit and Continuous Transaction Monitoring
  6. Using CAATS to identify Anomalies and possible Fraud
    • Describe the types of fraud and fraud schemes
    • Fraud in Financial Reporting
    • Misappropriation of Assets & Corruption
    • Special Applications

Related Topics:

Informasi & Registrasi:

  • Untuk keterangan selengkapnya (termasuk biaya dan jadwal pelaksanaan) silahkan dilihat/unduh brosurnya di <How to Audit  Fraud Using ACL>.
  • Untuk pendaftaran silahkan download Registration Information dan kirim kembali via email atau fax setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Bila membutuhkan pelatihan dalam bentuk Inhouse Training silahkan download IHT Request Form dan dikirim kembali kepada kami melalui Fax/email setelah diisi dengan lengkap.
  • Anda juga dapat menghubungi langsung penyelenggaranya melalui Tel/SMS/Fax yang tercantum di brosur atau email: lpai.indonesia<at>


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